Monday, March 07, 2005

I'm a Wreck

To be more honest, I was in a car wreck. Actually, it was a fender bender. It happened this evening on the way to a concert (I'll save the review for another post). I always wear my seatbelt, even in the back seat, but for whatever reason, this time I forgot when I got into the cab. The cab was in the left lane pulling up to the rest of traffic, and a pizza delivery guy pulled out from the strip mall on our right. The car in the right lane had stopped to let him out, and there was no traffic at the left when he started, so presto -- the cab hit the pizza guy's side. We had slowed most of the way, but it was still fast enough for seatbelt-less me to go face first into the driver's seat. It was just for a split second, and I didn't hit hard -- my glasses left no mark on my face or nose. Dave (a friend who was in the cab with me) was able to brace himself before impact. After the cab pulled over, Dave and I paid and walked the four blocks to our destination. At this point, five hours later, my neck and shoulders feel a little sore, but they often do, and I also have no idea how much of it is hyperacuity to the fact I was in an accident. I've taken three ibuprofen, and my neck and shoulders are on top of a heating pad. I expect to be a bit stiff tomorrow, but hopefully nothing will linger.


Anonymous said...

Oh no, Aaron! Hope you will feel better soon and your neck is doing fine.

Anonymous said...

I hope you're feeling better Aaron, take care.