Friday, March 11, 2005

Bankruptcy Addendum

A recent Harvard study suggests that about half of bankruptcies take place due to illness and medical expenses, even though over 75 percent of the filers had health insurance. Read the article, and you realize that such a thing can happen to almost anyone. Needless to say, the bankruptcy bill's tightening of the screws makes no allowances for those unlucky enough to be struck by medical calamity -- indeed, the income calculations for deciding who can file under which bankruptcy provision can include income from a job someone had to leave due to health. I don't want anyone to face such a situation, but I'll keep my fingers crossed that, given that such catastrophes do occur, it befall loved ones of the Senators and House members who support this legislation rather than random people on the street.

Post-accident Update #2 -- I seem to be pretty much back to normal.

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